Body Type Food Plan – Type 8 – Balanced Autonomic Nervous System


PROTEINS– Low fat, low purine animal proteins are acceptable, such as chicken, turkey, white fish and eggs. Complementary proteins (beans and rice, etc.) are also excellent. Red meat, salmon, and tuna are recommended 2-3 times per week.DAIRY – Some dairy products are acceptable, particularly those low in fat such as low fat milk and plain yogurt.

VEGETABLES – Balanced types do well on most all vegetables, particularly the green leafy variety. Root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, onions, turnips, and beets are acceptable, but should be eaten less often.

FRUITS – (especially citrus) are acceptable.

GRAINS – All whole, natural grains, breaks and cereals are acceptable.

RAW NUTS/SEEDS – Occasional; 2-3 times per week.

OILS – Olive, canola, sesame, and unsalted butter are OK. Use peanut oil for stir-fry. (No margarine).


Generally, eat moderately of:

HIGH FAT, HIGH PURINE PROTEIN – Proteins high in fat and purine such as red meat, salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and organ meats may not be handled well, so limit to 2-3 times per week.

SUGARS AND CAFFEINE should be minimized as both can over stimulate the nervous system and disrupt energy production.